One of my absolute favorite things about summer is sitting on my porch in my rocking chair, right next to the bird feeders I have set out in the hopes of attracting hummingbirds! And now my kids look forward to doing it each summer as part of our DIY summer camp too!
While I rock and listen to the wrens and bluebirds sing and chirp, reading whatever book or magazine I am currently engrossed in, I nearly hold my breath waiting for my delicate hummingbirds to arrive to drink their nectar.
You can usually hear the drumming of their wings beating before you even notice that they are nearby. And when you hear it, you want to move your head around ever so slowly, so that no sudden movements send these skittish creatures scurrying away.
When they decide that you seem to be a trustworthy fellow, they might even land on the feeder and rest their tiny wings while they dip their long beaks and tongues into the sweet sugary water and drink their fill.
My girls and I like to think of them as our own personal magical fairies.
Attracting hummingbirds is so very simple!
Hummingbird feeders can be found at many mass-market retailers (such as WalMart and Target) but this design This is an affiliate link: MomOf6 earns a commission if you purchase, at no additional cost to you. is my favorite!
We've tried several different feeder models, but our hummingbirds seem to prefer this version that has nectar guards installed (the small yellow screens) which prevent bees and wasps from taking over the feeders!
Hummingbird nectar recipe
Definitely don't spend money on purchasing hummingbird nectar!
The nectar (sugar water) can be created from white granulated sugar at a ratio of 1/4 cup sugar to 1 cup of water. Boiling and then cooling this mixture before use can help deter the growth of bacteria and yeasts which “spoils” the nectar. But you can mix up a batch of nectar using tap water, and just stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Be sure to change the nectar in your feeders at least once a week!
Looking for some fun things to do with the kids?
Check out some of our family's favorites! Here's our list of the best backyard games This is an affiliate link: MomOf6 earns a commission if you purchase, at no additional cost to you. and for those rainy days- here are our favorite board games This is an affiliate link: MomOf6 earns a commission if you purchase, at no additional cost to you. !
You can find more great resources for busy Moms over on my Amazon influencer page This is an affiliate link: MomOf6 earns a commission if you purchase, at no additional cost to you. !
Here are a few cool facts about hummingbirds!
Share these with your kids! (excerpted from Wikipedia):
- They are the smallest species of birds
- They are the only type of bird that can fly backward!
- With the exception of insects, hummingbirds have the highest metabolism of all animals, a necessity to support the rapid beating of their wings.
- They consume more than their own weight in nectar each day, and to do so they must visit hundreds of flowers daily. Hummingbirds are continuously hours away from starving to death- and are able to store just enough energy to survive overnight.
- The average lifespan for a hummingbird is 3-5 years.
- Hummingbirds only live in North and South America. Less than 25 species of hummingbirds have been recorded in the US, but Colombia alone has more than 160 species and Ecuador, about 130 species!
- Most hummingbirds from the US and Canada migrate south in the fall to spend their winters in Northern Mexico or Central America.
Please check out my DIY Summer Camp page for lots of ideas on how to host your own kids summer camp at home!
Here are some more great summer ideas for you:
- Free Family Summer Bucket List Printable
- Free Printable Summer Schedule
- 50 Fun Summer Activities, Crafts, and Field Trips (From Pre-K to Teens!)
- DIY Roller Coaster Ride
- Teach Your Kids How to Play Crazy 8's!
Do you think your kids would love to work on attracting hummingbirds to your yard this summer?
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